Project Community
Deep Thoughts

Ranting with James

"A ruler with .1cm ticks is only good to .05cm. Any measurement can be off by that much. There are similar, well-known limitations to the precision of numbers as represented by computers.  I think we could develop this in terms of human perception somewhat. If short-term memory holds "The Magic Number Seven Plus or Minus Two" discrete values, the error is half that, or 1/14 the range of whatever we're talking about. If it's a schedule of around a year, I'd be very suspicious of any refinement under a month in duration, just because people have trouble with that kind of discrimination."
James Bullock

This rant is the transcript of a series of email dialogues between me and James Bullock of Rare Bird Enterprises. I don't always agree with James but I love ranting with him! Warning: This gets pretty deep at times, bring your waders and enjoy. david

The Trip We Took


May I publish this letter as a rant? This is exactly what I intended when I suggested that you might rant in my space. What says you?


I think the power of our project conversations comes from the interplay. Let's take your reply to me, and jiggle it a little. Let _that_ be the rant.

We've got mostly similar conclusions about how projects work. Our backgrounds, talents, and biases are sufficiently different that we come at a problem from different directions. It's often illuminating. I find great similarities between my conversations with you and my conversations with James Bach - for the same reason. 

There are several messages in doing the rant this way:

    - The dialog itself is an exploration: an example.
    - It will show terminology / definitional disagreements: places where we agree but think we don't because we are using words differently.

It's better, and shows that collaboration usually does better stuff.


I like this idea even better. You go ahead and take the first shot at this.

Statistics of Pert / Gantt Planning


EDITOR'S COMMENT: Much of this rant responds to a build from pieces in True North's latest Compass newsletter. If you'd like a copy of it, just ask by sending a request to We'll send a .pdf copy on to you.

James - I

Nice newsletter, as usual, but you've over-stated the results of Dr. Gray's analysis a bit, I think. If the idea is to find the end date, for sure, PERT / Gantt planning is foolish for projects with unknowns. But so is anything else.

David - II

Actually, if the object is to "find" the end date in these situations, the result must be absurd because there is no end date to find. The object might be to determine the end date, which might come from anywhere. A simple statement of "This is when I'd like to end," is useful, probably more useful than poking sticks in the dark to see what's there. The absurdity starts with the premise that there is a "scientifically determinable" end date "out there." There is not. The quantifying blanket blinds many, however, to the fact that their schedule tool has to be lying to them (actually they are forcing it to lie to them.) The product looks real and finished, even though it isn't...

James - III

You're talking about defining an outcome, not a process. Declaring when you'd like to be done is the same as declaring the intended deliverable (for software it's usually the requirements) or the official methods to be used. In fact, most of my projects have actually had a defined deliverable - a collection of requirements that had to be met (usually because of totally extreme secondary costs). Then you do what it takes to meet those requirements.
I get particularly annoyed by people who complain about the deliverables and the dates, but go absolutely nuts if you want to change any of the methods. In fact, as the processes (methods) for developing software proliferate, with things like extreme programming, clean-room techniques, rapid prototyping, spiral methodologies and so on, planning prescribes a triple: methods, deliverables, and resources (time is the big one). The question is "Which do you care about the most?" Specifying all three, precisely, in the face of unknowns produces an over-construed system. It's at least as powerful to specify which ones you don't care about very much.

Good, Fast, Cheap - Pick any two.

Humor is based on the sudden perception of incongruity. There's truth in humor because one or the other perception is wrong: either what you though is funny because of the truth of the joke, or the joke is funny because it is often mistaken for truth. Good, Fast, Cheap is just another form of saying: "This is an over constrained system."

The Death of Project Management

James - I

As for the death of project management, what has died in my estimation is foolish and ineffective project management. The whole PMI dogma - camp was profoundly flawed from the beginning. Much like the SEI, they got a hold of a piece of the truth, and decided it was the whole thing. Happens to people a lot with their first clue. Some of them never get over it. Shooting up the PMI approach as representing "project management" is shooting a straw man, just as shooting up the predicted end date is for PERT planning.

David - II

Well, it's going after a straw man for you, but not for many. I'd say that the number one "project management problem" I see in organizations is the wholesale consumption of the dogma. Perhaps it is as some suggest, that an organization must embrace the "certainties" and find them wanting before moving on to accepting more organic strategies.

I met Friday with a company that seems capable of embracing organic without first impaling themselves on the orthodoxy, but this is rare. Most, I find, when experiencing the shortcomings of the orthodoxy, do even more of the same. My first intervention strategy with most is simply to break this self-reinforcing cycle, to disrupt their insistence upon consistency

James - III

Different problem domains optimize at different trade-offs between repeatability and adaptability. Highly exploratory projects don't work with rigid processes. Projects with huge secondary costs don't work with exploratory approaches.

It isn't so much that the techniques are invalid, but that they are being pushed to a precision that this project won't tolerate. I think any "planning" method would fail in the cases you describe, not because the method is wrong, but because the people involved insist on a predictability that isn't there.

James - I

The entire premise of this style of planning is that stuff can be known ahead of time. Of task duration are only one kind of stuff that is treated as known, but isn't really. The task list (WBS) is another. It's like they never heard of game theory: optimizing outcomes with incomplete information. Deferring commitments is a common strategy. It's why betting a bit at a time is interesting in poker, or the doubling cube is interesting in backgammon. The problem with PMI isn't too many mathematicians; it's too many accountants, dammit.

David - II

Exactly, and many organizations don't want project leadership, but project accounting. I'd won't bore you with the bloody details, but you've stated it perfectly. They have accountants because they want them. Spoiled might be the best term for them, expecting to leach out the risk of new endeavors by encapsulating them in a security blanket. They tend to get better accounting then products but then they are measuring the accounting, not the often-intangible product. Besides, the trance works both ways. The accounting can work and, if that's what you're measured on and it works, it's not even the project manager's fault when the product falls short of expectations. Did someone say, "CYA?"

James - III

Well, I've pulled the "Denial of Chaos" part out of the Project Uncertainty Principle draft that I sent you a while ago. I think the psychological process stands on its own, and would make a good piece or Sue Petersen's new department in the Imprise developer's magazine. We're talking about the same process - demanding an unjustified precision in prediction. We're also talking about project uncertainty models.

The Issues System

James - I

I'm surprised you didn't go after some other issues with their methods. Biggest problem I had with PMI style project management is the definition of an "issue", and the related "issues process". An issue had to relate to a task on the project plan, and the "issues process" drove resolution - defined as a decision - in a timely manner. Things not resolved fast enough were escalated to another level of management to "decide."

What nonsense. What if the issue was something that wasn't on the plan? What about an issue that remained open, and ought to remain open? How about intentionally deferring decisions: planning around what isn't yet known to buy the maximum possible time (and information if you do it right) to inform a decision?

David - II

Another and perhaps more subtle point in there. Yes, there are an array of strategies for "dealing with" problems. I'm particularly interested in making them moot, in finding a solution rather than in solving the problem. The difference is striking. Often, a problem solving orientation leaves one poking around in the past, trying to fix something there. Since we can only really act upon the present, this strategy is often ineffective- and frustrating.

My best current  example of this "solution finding" is a story from Japan. An old man is tending a rice field when he notices a tidal wave approaching his village, which sits a long distance below him along the shore of a bay. He cannot possibly run to the village to warn his neighbors, nor can he make a noise that will catch their attention. He is powerless to solve the tidal wave problem, so he lights his rice field on fire, which brings every villager to the hilltop to save their crop, thereby saving them from the tidal wave.

A problem solving strategy seems to always miss the "let's make this problem moot" approaches... This is for a later issue.

James - III

I've used, "Let's not." as a technique both as staff and as a consultant. Delivered at the right time, that bare statement can sometimes shock people into some more open thinking. I also reframe this kind of stuckness using:

Issue -> Goal -> Options -> Problem -> Solution

The issue is the old rice farmer was unhappy with everyone in his village drowning. The goal is to allow them to survive the tidal wave. He improvised by seeing a different option, take the mountain to Mohammed by making the mountain want to be where Mohammed is. At least three unconventional insights in his process.

If the Tail were Smarter it Would Wag the Dog


I'm surprised you didn't harp more on the primacy of observed phenomena. The problem isn't that "planning is bad" but that "insisting that the plan is right and reality is therefore somehow wrong" is bad. Here's a quote I came across, and thought of you, even before I got the newsletter:

"Here lies the essential point; from her scientific preparation, the teacher must bring not only the capacity, but the desire to observe natural phenomena. In our system, she must become a passive, much more than an active, influence, and her passivity shall be composed of the utmost scientific curiosity, and of absolute respect for the phenomenon, which she wishes to observe. The teacher must understand and feel her position of observer; the activity must lie in the phenomenon" - Montessori

The problem comes, I think, when a project "plan" as in a prescription for action, is combined with Taylor-esque, "scientific management" assumptions and organization. The manager tells the subordinate what to do. Complete knowledge is possible and embodied in the manager. Deviations from direction are flaws in the worker. Since the manager develops the project "plan", it is treated as direction, if it is interpreted in a Taylor-esque style.

David - II

Yes, again exactly. Taylor's biography is very interesting. He really saw the world as needing a strong father to guide it away from the naïve errors of its native ways. The fact that his model for a healthy father figure matches our present idea of a compulsive adolescent is no accident. Taylor would be institutionalized for obsessive-compulsive disorder today, yet his model is still held as an ideal and as a target.

Planning is certainly not the enemy, I think the insistence upon certainty might be.

Certainty, and you may have heard me rant on this before, is a poor precedent for confidence. If you have to be certain first (or be fooled into believing you're certain), the result isn't really confidence, anyway...

James - III

Maybe we just shouldn't let functional managers do the planning, so they don't get confused about what is direction and what is prediction? Perhaps this is why team based or team vetted planning tends to work out better. There's all kinds of press about the brilliance of groups and so on. Maybe it's as simple as the people doing the work keeping the directive folks honest?

James - I

Do you remember _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_? When deep thought is constructed, the union of Philosophers, Theologians, and other thinkers of big thoughts demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty. I think I do too, actually. 
General Theory of Unknowns

James - I

I'd like to pursue a "general theory of unknowns" at some later time. I came across some useful ideas that I haven't integrated yet. Conservation laws apply to renaming systems, which are really just remappings. Comes from the general systems literature.

Now I've got to translate that into useful language. It's the essence of the second point in my draft of the"Project Uncertainty Principle" - unknowns are conserved, they just get renamed. Believe it or not, you're the best candidate test audience I have for this. It takes some ideas you like into a different space. If I can reach you, I can reach pretty much anybody. (Jerry, for instance, I could get this through to in about 5 minutes, if he was in a listening mood.)

David - II

I'd like to do this, too.

James - I

My particular (peculiar?) background allows me to be comfortable with logical methods, numbers, and so on, and to maintain a grip on how little we know. Did you know that every proper calculation in engineering includes a precision? It's one of the first experiments everyone does: measure something several times, and note how different the answers are.

David - II

How do you know what you don't know?

James - III

To begin with, there is intrinsic error in the representation. A ruler with .1cm ticks is only good to .05cm. Any measurement can be off by that much. There are similar, well-known limitations to the precision of numbers as represented by computers.  I think we could develop this in terms of human perception somewhat. If short-term memory holds "The Magic Number Seven Plus or Minus Two" discrete values, the error is half that, or 1/14 the range of whatever we're talking about. If it's a schedule of around a year, I'd be very suspicious of any refinement under a month in duration, just because people have trouble with that kind of discrimination.

The cognitive scientists ought to be finding us fundamental performance numbers on human cognition, like this 7 + / - 2 number. When working with SWAGs (Scientific, Wild Ass Guess) we're limited by the tool: what the human mind naturally tends to discriminate. 

Things like the mode / median preference in estimating from Dr. Gray's paper is another example.

In physics, entropy is based on the number of states available, and the distribution of actual values among those states. You can treat the whole system as a collection of little bits with individual states. I wonder if there isn't an analog with the many discrete bits of a project which have a state space. Bulks of chunks can be dealt with statistically. This is what bulk models in physics and chemistry do.

Individual chunks can be dealt with discretely. We're pretty good at that too. The transition from discrete models to bulk models comes at around 10,000 molecules if you're talking about aerosols (with many disclaimers and fudge factors on that number). The interesting part is the transition from discrete to bulk phenomena - the molecule is neither isolated, nor engulfed. Sounds like most project tasks.

Looking at meaningful projects, it's interesting to me that they often have on the order or 10,000 things in them, by the time you count everything up. Projects seem to be on the cusp between discrete and bulk models (at least a lot of the time). That would mean use whatever model works, and don't trust any model too much. But that isn't a problem with models. The models available are being applied out of their scope in most projects.  That's the big mistake.

David - II

Good paradox here. How do you know what you don't know-- and can you? I think the worst plans are the ones that assume they know what they need to know both knowns and unknowns. Better ones assume that there's something significant missing. The best acknowledge that they could not possibly know what or where this missing stuff is (yet).

James - I

Actually, every time I hear someone talk about "Software Engineering" in terms of absolutes, I'm struggling not to laugh out loud. They're just showing how little they know about engineering, and software.

David - II

Yes, exactly. Although some engineering is more focused upon absolutes than others. In general, an engineering lab is a messy place. Manufacturing engineers are much more absolute mind-setted than are electronic engineers, but like religion, engineering is interpreted in many different ways, I have met many engineers who feel their experience should be more predictable than it is, and they drive themselves crazy with these expectations.

James - I

The problem isn't "models are bad" it's "badly used models are bad." and in part "Bad models are easy to use badly." Specifically about projects "Models that suggest false precision are bad." and "Models that encourage belief in false precision are bad." I'd be interested in finding models that are harder to abuse.

That said, that's me, not you. "Project Community" is a more honest name for your focus and interests, I think. I'm intrigued enough that your workshops are on my: "Go Do This" list. Meanwhile, I'd like to equip these powerful project communities with lots and lots of metaphors and even a few models for projects - tools to think with. I've also been part of (small) project communities that sneered at much official dogma, charging forward successfully under the banner: "Do what works."

David - II

This banner can also be paradoxical, since "what works" is tenaciously unpredictable. How about "use your collective judgment?" What works won't work sometimes but it will still be working toward working if this can be acknowledged. I know you didn't mean this, but I often see teams so focused upon avoiding making mistakes that they cannot learn and they cannot talk about what's really going on, while spinning everything into some representation of "working" ... Yawn.

James - III

"Do what works, this time?"
Note that I think the appropriate (as in effective) metaphors & models change with the level of uncertainty. That's a draft paper I'm working on.

Cognitive Coherence

David - II

Models are essential. The primal issue is probably how we determine which model we will use. PMI is remarkably silent on where this cognitive coherence comes from, as if plunking down a "plan" would achieve common Gestalt. The father knows best school says that the project manager creates the model(s). The project community approach says it's always a blind men and the elephant process. If each blind man cannot find his piece within the whole, the whole suffers. Assuming any blind man has better perspective than any other is equally dangerous. Assuming that each must understand all is also dangerous.

That this essential, coherent Gestalt is emergent from the community, I think, is inescapable. I think where the orthodoxy gets tangled is in their attempt to close systems that must be open to work. In closing these systems, they create most of the problems their techniques attempt to "solve." It doesn't make any sense from the mechanic's (notice how close this word is to maniac... similar root?) perspective to open a system that should be controllable. The largest opportunity they forfeit is the power of equifinality - the capacity to succeed in a variety of emergent and unforeseeable ways. They trade away potential for the illusion of certainty.

James - III

I particularly like your use of the blind man and the elephant. Assuming that any one description of the universal is fatal. But each blind man has a better grip on his part of the elephant than anyone else. They don't succeed by averaging their diverse experiences into some bland whole: part tree, part snake, and part wall. They succeed when they incorporate their divergent visions into a rich whole.

One hidden assumption of the "manager as director" model - only the manager takes in true data about the problem at hand. It seems the people doing the work have eyes enough to see where they're shoveling, but not enough vision to see anything else.

David - II

Ever notice how few stories about how projects actually work ever get published? Wonder why? It's because they actually don't work, or, at least, they don't work as expected. The messiness is buried and forgotten rather than embraced because all of the analysis of these past experiences can only lead one to the conclusion that the predictive models don't work to predict the experience, and we lack a place to put this knowledge. So we predict and bury endlessly.

James - III

I'm guesting in James Bach's "Software Realities" column next month. Feeling pretty good about that. "Software Realities" is exactly about how things really get done. My piece is on the development system. But there were two more that didn't come together as fast. One deals directly with multiple project models, and the other deals directly with uncertainty in projects. It's all about how projects really work.
Maybe that's the name for the project models book I'm trying to write: "How Projects Really Work".

A New Name

David - II

All in good time. I am repositioning my business away from project management because the premises of that orthodoxy are so absurd and because when I announce that I'm in the project management training and consulting business, people go there, to a place where I have to chisel them out before we can do anything meaningful.

James - III

Well, while you've chosen to name your work differently I'm not there yet. It may be my need to tilt at windmills. But when I look at the fundamental definition of project management I find:

Allocation, and direction of resources to achieve an end (management according to Drucker, and Rand - an interesting pairing), and An activity undertaken to achieve a unique result (from where?). The current practice may say "use a Gantt Chart" but the fundamental definition says no such thing. It says allocate and direct resources to get some thing unique done. Equating that with the PMI techniques is just silly. First they're just one option, and second they don't work a lot of the time.

I have the same kind of argument about testing software, most of the time with Dr. Beizer. He asserts a lot of things about "majority practice" when it comes to terminology and so forth. I have no compunction about flying in the face of "the majority practice" terminology if majority practice is in fact a corruption of the language. Everybody saying: "Slavery is Freedom" doesn't make it so - ask George Orwell (Politics and the English Language should be required reading for all aspiring project leaders. I've had many an interesting conversation by asserting just this.) 

I see both the PMI approach and some testing advocates exerting great effort to define useful stuff that they don't agree with out of the world. Rather than define the world of projects as the world where PERT / Gantt charts accurately predict resources and end dates, where issues get resolved just by someone deciding, where predictability is king, let's admit that "projects" are anything we do to produce a unique outcome, and "project management" is applying resources to do that. More often than not, uncertainty is the defining issue in a project.

Yours in uncertainty (which means I've got a grip)

David - II

A great grip! We live in a world where we get absolute responsibility and limited knowledge. This is a most interesting combination. It means we must act without really knowing. It means that knowing cannot be the point.

James Bullock
Los Alamos, NM - Rochester, NY

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