
True North's
Compass Newsletter

David Schmaltz and Amy Schwab

We started our Compass newsletter to stay in touch and to pay back our founding community for helping us do what we love. Now, over ten years later, that original commitment continues.

Compass serves as an outlet to share our stories and our latest learnings about leadership, organizational change, and project work. We hope you'll find insight into more effective leadership, finding inspiration and motivation through the challenging times, engaging the support you need, and creating a more sustainable, organic approach to creative work.

Our newsletter are available for free download as Adobe .pdf files in either high quality print or smaller file sized screen-optimized versions..

Download Your Compass Newsletter Here

Screen OptimizedPrint Optimized
The Cheese Stands Alone
- screen optimized
The Cheese Stands Alone
- print optimized
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
- screen optimized
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
- print optimized
Wellness - screen optimized Wellness - print optimized
Beyond Blindness - screen optimized Beyond Blindness - print optimized
1% Solution - screen optimized 1% Solution - print optimized
Naked Consulting (3) - screen optimized Naked Consulting (3) - print optimized
Naked Consulting (2) - screen optimized Naked Consulting (2) - print optimized
Naked Consulting - screen optimized Naked Consulting - print optimized
State of the Art - screen optimized State of the Art - print optimized
Dead Reckoning - screen optimized Dead Reckoning- print optimized
Fey Lure- screen optimized Fey Lure- print optimized
We've Moved! Bonus Issue- screen optimized We've Moved! Bonus Issue-print optimized
One Continuous Mess- screen optimized One Continuous Mess- print optimized
Reasonable Expectations- screen optimized Reasonable Expectations- print optimized
Going Ballistic!-screen optimized Going Ballistic!-print optimized
Heresy-screen optimized Heresy-print optimized
Idiocracy-screen optimized Idiocracy-print optimized
Project Management is Dead!-screen optimized Project Management is Dead!-print optimized
Why?-screen optimized Why?-print optimized
BS2K-screen optimized BS2K-print optimized
Unconditional Superlatives-screen optimized Unconditional Superlatives-print optimized
Why Schedules Fall Apart-screen optimized Why Schedules Fall Apart-print optimized
Rocket Science-screen optimized Rocket Science-print optimized
Cost of Planning Alone-screen optimized Cost of Planning Alone-print optimized

To view these newsletters, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download it from Adobe's site.

All works published in this newsletter are the property of True North pgs, Inc., and may not be reprinted, used, or otherwise distributed without the expressed, written permission of the publisher.

Ask for permission and you'll get it.

Subscription Information

To receive notices when a new issue of Compass is published, contact us. To change your subscription, drop us an email.

To learn more, contact us at (509)527-9773 or by email at

True North Consulting info@wallawallaconsult.com (509) 527-9773
© 2008 True North pgs, Inc., All Rights Reserved
Design and Website by Amy Schwab