Anonymous, after a design by Hans Baldung Grien:
Tenth commandment:
do not give false testimony about another
[iende gebod: leg over een ander geen vals getuigenis af]
" … the least qualified President in history about to begin his second term."
It would simplify the situation if certain nominees would appear to testify wearing orange jumpsuits. Some of these guys seem like they're interviewing to be included in the Colorado Supermax Class of 2030. They quite transparently lie or withhold or deny. Their clever attorney clearly counseled them to go ahead and be disingenuous. They give Disingenuosity a bad name. History will remember them, but not kindly. Those disseminating straightforward questions become infamous, especially when 60 Minutes replays the juicy part of their testimony after the future incident. There will always be a future incident with these clowns. There always has been. They are uniformly unqualified for whatever role the incoming executive has nominated them to fulfill. Everyone in the hearing room understands they are not voting for or against the clown before them but the impending executive who chose him. Partisans need to appear supportive. Opponents must appear fair and balanced, which is always tricky in a context where the clown in question won't answer even the most straightforward question. This one's mom submitted testimony against him.
He calls known facts with sufficient evidence anonymous rumors and innuendos. He flat-out refuses to answer many questions. He smiles and tap-dances. He plays Blame The Questioner. He exhibits disrespect for the institution and particular persons. He sits beneath contempt, yet the committee chair sits there as if none of this is happening. He will occasionally intervene, especially when an opponent asks a particularly damning question, to rescue the witness. The nominee normally wouldn't usually be qualified to even pretend to be a nominee, except there he is. The unanswered questions hang pregnant overhead: If we reject this clown, will a worse clown come next? How bad could it be? We've survived lousy nominees before. Should we appease this clown to garner some appreciation from the driver of this clown car? Nobody will ask any of these questions. Their answers seem irrelevant within any context in which they might be asked. Everyone already knows the answers, anyway.
Yes, a worse clown would come next. It will be worse than even the most perverse imagination might ever project. Appeasement never accomplishes the intention that initiates it. That we find ourselves in this situation again says everything we need to understand. Clarence Thomas was approved as an act of appeasement. He's on track to become the first Supreme Court judge to head to Federal Prison. Bret Kavanaugh went on to do what he swore he would never do, thereby becoming both incompetent and Disingenuous. We all knew these people were beneath the office they were nominated to fill. The partisan's dog-piled on to close those deals.
It seemed as if the impending incumbent was up to something illegal when he was running, but in all their wisdom, the electorate chose to elect him President, anyway. This opened the door for 1,460 days of Disingenuosity, mirroring his last term. Our system of government was designed to defect repeated attacks on its integrity, and our impending incumbent specializes in assaulting integrity, whether female civilians like E. Jean Carroll or a Federal office holder with an unblemished history like Hillary. The whole institution seems to be under continuous assault by clown car shock troops like the Joker being interviewed that day. More will follow. They each adhere to a worldview that might be best described as Disingenuous. They cannot possibly believe the bullshit they espouse. We all suspect that they think they've been given permission to behave abysmally, as if common decency were the actual enemy of the people. They are banshees beating a drum. They are harbingers of worse things to come. They warn that gravity has shifted, and every official will soon officially become a suspect. Over the next four years, they will focus on building evidence for their future indictment while running inept defenses against the truth ever coming out. The truth will come out if only because it always does.
These nomination hearings qualify as crappy theater. The thin majority wants to run roughshod over our democracy, and the minority will do everything in their patriotic power to prevent them. They will sometimes fail to protect the people from the insanity. They'll take solace in the long game, and the odds of the clowns ultimately losing are lengthening by the second, as exemplified by the Bozo in the hot seat this day. Whether he gains the approval of the committee might not matter. He's merely an opening ploy, one declaring that the rules of polite comportment will be rescinded for the sorry duration of the upcoming passion play. It will hardly prove entertaining. Their ineptness will surely mirror the clumsiness of this witness today, who really has nothing in any way germane to say about anything. Of course, he's uniquely unqualified! Look who nominated him: the least qualified President in history about to begin his second term. God save the United States, he won't.
©2025 by David A. Schmaltz - all rights reserved