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Weekly Writing Summary For The Week Ending 02/13/2025

Hi Red Center: Bundle of Events
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Tracks They Left Before
This might be the Cabin Fever Edition of my Weekly Writing Summaries, for these stories emerged into a frozen world featuring snow and ice. Most of this winter seemed barely different from Fall, but Arctic air finally descended. It's been a winter wonderland since. I've been exhibiting my snow shoving technique, which I perfected through six Colorado winters. I learned to avoid shoveling there, which requires lifting, sometimes heavy lifting. I employ my snowplow-like snow shover to nudge the stuff out of my way. A snow cover makes The Villa seem cozier, though I've been avoiding building a fire, even though I have plenty of firewood. It's like I'm concerned that I might run out, so I wear my down vest around the house. The cats have been reluctant to go out but still resist using the litter box. They despise walking through snow and carefully reuse tracks they left before.


Weekly Writing Summary

This NextWorld Story considers the
Sociopathy apparent in the MAGA movement. The paradoxes produced leave the adherents continually tangled up in their underpants.
Patricq Kroon: Succession of Spanish dictatorships (1930)
"They seem offensively self-centered."

This NextWorld Story considers how those who intend to produce Uproars often produce UpRoarious results instead. This stems from their attempt to employ chaos as a change agent. This reliably produces parodies of intentions, requiring tremendous faith from any disbelieving audience. Most conclude they're watching clowns.
Charles Joseph Traviès de Villers: Got to admit that the government has a very funny head.Original Language Title: Faut avouer que l'gouvernement a une bien drôle de tête. Series/Book Title: La Caricature III (60) 22 dec 1831, no. 121 (1831)
"You should have cornered the popcorn franchise before you started. That might have rendered you rich and successful."

This NextWorld Story might be a cautionary tale. It describes those who firmly believe they serve as God's envoy, ManifestingDestinies. These people should properly terrify me!
Albert Bierstadt: Rocky Mountains, "Lander's Peak" (1863)
"God the Father manifests as a terrible sword whenever people get involved."

This NextWorld Story, DeVoting, unwraps the notion of devotion to a leader, deciding that a contentious absence of devotion probably better serves everyone, even and especially the leader.
Anonymous: Cartoon of the funeral of Pastor Abraham van de Velde, 1677
"He never understood why he couldn't make the universe dance once he'd gained advantage."

This NextWorld Story finds me considering the quality of our CEO's BigPicture. I realize that I do not recognize whatever he might be imagining. Consequently, his directions seem incoherent.
Pieter van der Heyden, after Pieter Bruegel: Big Fish Eat Little Fish (1557) Published by Hieronymus Cock
"Those incapable of imagining a coherent BigPicture should never be considered leadership material."

This NextWorld Story finds me stepping aside to declare some BigMysteries. I do not doubt that we'll eventually discover Who Done It, and also that the resolution should prove to be a real cliffhanger. We could use some Dudley Do-Right here!
Hi Red Center: Canned Mystery (c.1964) Distributed by Fluxus
"This somnambulance could be killing us!"

I sat inside stewing over each of this week's stories. This series, while perfectly placed, has still proven disappointing. It's been an extended exercise in being right about something I truly wish wasn't happening. Prescience has its limits, and so does reportage. Surrounded by daily doses of Sociopathy and UpRoarous absurdities, watching absolute idiots ManifestingDestinies. I became a DeVoting observer while struggling to maintain a BigPicture. I ended this writing week feeling unresolved, with only BigMysteries to report. I was hoping for an early secession. I no longer think that's happening. Thank you for following along!

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