This mandate starts with a strong denial.
"No, I didn't change the design without telling you. How DARE you accuse
me of such a thing?" The bind comes when the accuser concludes, on the
strength of the denial, that the accused is not only guilty of the charge,
but guiltier than suspected. A battle ensues, where the accused ever more
strongly denies the charges, which ever more increasingly convinces the
accuser of their guilt. This is a game without end. Groups do this, too,
alienating customer, supplier, sponsor, competing team, and even fellow
team members. Eventually, an uninvolved party might question what the real
problem is. By this time, the original charge is moot. The mind reading
has become the problem.
There is no denying what's obvious to others, no matter how fantastic
their conclusion. There is no convincing the certain, no changing the confident.
The Obviously! Injunction can be abandoned but it is rarely resolved. The
accused often bears the responsibility of simply going on, deciding to
work well anyway. When you see a feeding frenzy, question the diners more
than the dinner.