Project skills for fuzzy, development and design projects
Development, design, research, and creation-oriented projects are fundamentally different from traditional bricks and mortar construction efforts. They require a fundamentally different approach for success.
True North was founded to help projects like yours. Based on research into best practices of cutting edge development, research, and design projects, our approaches help you tap the focus, judgement, and organizational support your project needs, develop shared leadership and judgement, and enlist the engagement of a self-interested community.
Since the early days of the technology revolution, True North principals have been helping project leaders and teams succeed with fuzzy, creative projects. We help you learn how to balance the trade-offs, conundrums, and paradoxes of turning ideas into reality, discover how to leverage the critical human elements, and apply the tricks and techniques for constantly aligning, re-focusing, and re-energizing your effort for success.
To learn more about True North's Mastering Projects Approach an agile, adaptive system for succeeding on projects, click here.
- True North's flagship Mastering Projects Workshop pulls together a systemic approach to aligning your effort, securing the support you need, and motivating your resources to confidently deliver breakthrough results that satisfy sponsors, customers, and your project team!
- Build your personal project leadership capability with Leading Successful Projects. Learn the skills and techniques for getting your project what it needs to succeed, helping others to find their leadership niche, and maintaining a motivated, energized project community.
- Mirroring Culture / Mastering Politics teaches you the skills to work with the deep currents inside your organization. By recognizing and anticipating the cultural and political influences, you will learn to align your effort with core values, provision your project to succeed, and learn to slip-stream your effort with the winds of success.
- Learn how to successfully focus your effort withProject Envisioning. Grounding fuzzy 'bright ideas', creating meaningful boundaries, and negotiating achievable goals create an effort that others can get their heads and arms around, build support, and create a solid foundation for on-going communication and understanding for your effort.
- Motivation and engagement are keys to any project's success. Learn how to harness the magic of Project Community. Learn to reframe your us/them boundary of team into a broad community focus, Identify those with the hidden influence on your effort, enlist and maintain the support you need, and maintain motivation and energy through the toughest parts of your project - without overwhelming yourself.
- Creating a best-fit project model and flexible responsive schedule is the focus of Practical Project Planning. You'll learn to identify the nature of your project and match that nature with appropriate planning techniques. You'll learn to identify what your project really needs, create a flexible, adaptive architecture to support your project or program throughout it's life cycle and practical hands-on planning techniques to create community learning and allow smooth coordination with even the most challenging and fuzzy effort.
- Sustaining Projects helps you navigate the tricky waters of maintaining a manageable effort as it shifts through the project life-cycle from concept to tangible implementation. Learn how to manage conflict, diagnose trouble-spots, untangle communication, and conduct effect project reviews and retrospectives.
- Mastering Project Work helps all members of your project team and community learn to step up, effectively lead from positions of no authority, and collaborate and communicate more effectively.
To bring True North's breakthrough project training to your organization, contact us today!