
Rendered Fat Content

Small Fraud

"Our search for precision carries a hidden cost. Honesty might be the best policy, but practice can compromise even our best intentions. When I don’t even feel the twinge anymore, I guess I’m in real trouble, though I won’t feel the trouble—or anything at all then. So I notice the small frauds coming, side-step them when I can, and try my best to feel the pain when I just can’t stand aside. Maybe noticing qualifies as good enough."

My latest article posted on Best Thinkers.


Splice of Life

How do you work?

One author reported that most people are more productive when working behind closed doors. Others insist upon pairing, sharing workspaces. Some cube just fine. Others, not. Some counsel focus, fuzzy or clear. The distracted praise procrastination. Heads-down, hands-on people insist that you really should just get 'er done. All exhort the elusive 'flow.' I doubt that we will ever see the end of well-intended, largely useless advice.

I find myself flourishing under each, and sometimes none of these schemes. Fortunately, I rarely have the luxury of getting to choose. When I plan a day in splendid isolation, the danged phone rings. When I'm suffering through an endless day of mind-numbing isolation, not only does the phone refuse to ring, nobody's there when I try to call my usual lifelines.

We work, it seems, in fits and starts. Some days more fit than others. Slip over here for more ...


Spare-Time Successful

It's International Project Management Day, and over the years I've celebrated this anniversary in different ways. One year, I declared project management dead. Another year, I announced the creation of a CCI, Certified Complete Idiot, designation. Mostly a little (or a lot) of whining. Or Why-ning.

This year, though, I'm reflecting on just how much progress the pre-mature profession of project management has managed to make. Today, more projects are managed by non-professional 'project managers' than are managed by professional ones. And I am grateful for this humbling fact. Slip over here for more ...


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