November 2009
Sweet Dreams
19 11, 09 09:53 Filed under: Work
I'm prototyping a new media and I need your feedback, pushback, and loving advice. Please take a peek and comment below. Thanks!
Free Advice
17 11, 09 05:11 Filed under: Work

Yesterday afternoon, I heard the latest rehash of these classics on NPR's Marketplace program, where Rosabeth Moss Kantor, herself a NY Times Best selling author and Harvard B-School professor, warmly remembered Peter Drucker's legacy. What would Drucker have to say about the current business climate? Same old, same old. Slip over here for more ...
Integration: Symmetry
04 11, 09 05:15 Filed under: Life

Changing the whole idea of change has occurred a few times in the history of science. Transcendent moments where some quiet, previously undiscovered truth emerged from an unlikely place. Those who were trudging the straight and narrow were surprised, often angry. Several of these game-changing insights were not accepted or even recognized until their discoverer was long gone.
Slip over here for more ...